ich bin müde -.-
hoffentlich wirds da heute abend bisschen lustig, sonst ertrage ich die leute um mich rum nicht -.'
I still hear the song
which is sung by the birds and the leaves in the trees,
And as long as my heart beats this song will be there,
for I know that the warriors still ride.
I still remember the old words of honour and pride.
sind die Ferien schon wieder fast vorbei und ich habe (im schulischen sinne) nichts sinnvolles getan?!
I still hear the song
which is sung by the birds and the leaves in the trees,
And as long as my heart beats this song will be there,
for I know that the warriors still ride.
I still remember the old words of honour and pride.
24.05.2008 16:52
Dabei seit: 16.04.2007
Beiträge: 9025 [Themenstarter]